Pegen offers a wide range of value-added services for both its
Machining and Sheet Metal operations. We have:
A fully integrated
finishing department
A fully integrated assembly
department for mechanical
assembly of machined and
fabricated parts
An approved network of
subcontracting partners for your
specific coating needs
Finishing Options Available

Finishing options - pre coating
Each part that is manufactured at Pegen goes through a standardized finishing process. Depending on the application of your parts, they can be finished in many different ways.
- Natural – we will break edges and deburr –
visible tooling marks remain - Orbital Sanding – used for larger parts to remove tooling marks
- Blasting – we will media blast your parts for a uniform finish (note parts with crucial tolerancing cannot be blasted)
- Tumbling – we will tumble you parts, leaving them with a matte finish

We operate a fully compliant Military specification Chemical conversion line (commonly referred to as Iridite, Oakite or a Chemical film). Our tanks can accommodate parts and assemblies of up to 30” in length or width.
In house Specifications offered
- Type II, ROHS (clear)
– Class 1A – for maximum protection against corrosion
– Class 3 – For maximum protection against corrosion
where low electrical resistance is required
Through our approved subcontractors network we offer the following general coating processes:
Anodizing, Chemical Conversion Coating, Zinc Plating, Nickel, Gold, Silver and Tin Plating, Passivation and Electropolishing, Specialty coatings (Nedox, Teflon), Heat Treatment, Painting (Powder and Wet)
As there are many different coatings and specifications available, please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Our assembly department is able to accommodate many different types of assembly activities including
- Dowel pin installation into jigs and fixtures
- Helicoil insertion and installation
- PEM installation
- Mechanical assembly of machined and Fabricated parts

Manufacturing Materials
Choose from many different types of metals and plastics for prototyping or production, or supply your own!
It’s time for
your concepts to
become reality